"Music playing" dadadun..dadadun ...dadadun, dun-dun-dunt! Intro with shooting and radio talk, helicopters flying over, men in ski masks who can't get out of the bank while holding hostages who are sweating bullets! Now this is my kind of movie!
I love action movies for that simple reason - a lot of action! Kick some behind please! (Let's remember not to be judgemental...(laughing)!
Special Weapon and Tactics (SWAT) with Samuel L. Jackson, LL Cool J (as I knew him back in the day) aka James Todd is a good movie just for the sake of being action packed! Now, before we go any further, I am a Christian- so therefore, we could leave out the cursing, maybe some of the random killing, but there surprisingly were no "sexual content" type of scenes - some verbal references, but overall none of the sort.
The movie is the basic "good vs. evil" as in most action packed films. Some highlights that I liked in the film with relation to real life?....
A good leader makes a good team.... Samuel Jackson (Sgt. Hondo) leads the team with encouragement and positive reinforcement while putting together a team [although different in cultural backgrounds - DWO what?] that works together to achieve a common goal. Hmmm... I know someone for myself - JC is an awesome leader!
Some people have integrity and some people can be bought (with money) ....Enough said
The usual: Teamwork pays off! Who's team are you on?
No one who does evil - wins in the end.... Now we all know who wins in the end- we do!
Someone always wants to see you fail - Captain Fuller! [really Satan]
Choices and Decisions: Use wisdom (umm, not your own, ask Him) and you can't go wrong!
And of course the title : Special Weapons: Shield of Faith? Breastplate of Righteousness?
And Tactics: Fasting? Meditation? Yea and here we thought God wasn't involved in movie makin'. (laughing)
Now, there was much more that I got out of this movie, but we'll be here all day!
Overall, a kick life in it's behind so that it doesn't kick you in yours! Just sayin...watch and enjoy and see what you get out of it!
James Bond...here I come! (Bishop Ben Gibert - 007 Principle - I've got gadgets! Again with the movies!)
Praise Be to God and With God's Love,
Dee-Dee McDuffie
P.S. Hope I don't get in trouble for putting the picture with my post! Hmmm? Is that legal???
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