Sunday, June 19, 2011


To my readers: Although I speak with divine revelation and direction, it is still very important that as you read this blog, you pray and seek God on how it applies to your own situation. There are various aspects of God’s Word and His will for your life. Please, I encourage you to seek even more Christian counsel (e.g. as it pertains to your specific situation. No matter what, know that God’s restoration and deliverance is available to all, even you! 

In my lifetime, I have traveled extensively whether by train, automobile or plane. I traveled for various reasons including business, family emergencies and vacations. Some trips were fun while others were physically and mentally exhausting. The question most asked it seemed when I traveled was “Is this one-way or a round trip?” Another question was “How much baggage do you have?” In my meditation time, I was reminded of how my past relationships were much like my travels. Most times, they were a round trip being physically and mentally exhausting, when they needed to be a one-way ticket out! The even more unfortunate thing was that I held onto baggage in which I should have left unclaimed (bitterness, resentment, hatred)!
I have spent what seems like a lifetime in bad relationships. I would return to a bad relationship only to be hurt and abused once again. My reasoning’s ranged from thinking “he” was the one to needing financial assistance or even just plain loneliness. God has a better plan for our lives and this (abundance of unhappiness) is not His desire for us! Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly! If his type of love is disrespectful, manipulating, physically abusive or verbally degrading, it’s time to find true love in God! God’s love is restoration, deliverance, peace and joy and it is available to you right now! God knows the heart of man (who “he” really is) and He knows whose best for you! Allow Him to choose the right man of valor (whom you are to marry) for you! In Jesus’ mighty name, Is this one-way or round trip?

Practical Applications/Meditations: (Prov. 31, 26:11; Ps 16, 21, 27, 28, 31, 68, 91; 1Cor 13:4-8)

Start at the Salvation Station:
If you have not received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to do so now! Receive all that God has for you right now! Life won’t be perfect, but it’s more rewarding with Jesus!
Get on the Train of Understanding:  

(of who you are in Christ Jesus!): Find every scripture on what God says about you in His Word and meditate (think about and internalize) on them! When you internalize who you are in Christ, you won’t allow anyone to treat God’s temple with disrespect!
Listen to the Conductor’s Instructions:
Get in a Bible-based practicing church and be covered by whom God has called to oversee and teach you! Most of all learn to develop a personal relationship with the “Conductor” Himself and heed to His instructions!
Where are You going?
Map and plan out what you’ve hoped and dreamed for and begin working towards those goals! Pray and Ask God for Help and people will begin to surround you with solutions to your problems!
Who’s Talking on your PA System?
It is very imperative that you seek Godly counsel because not everyone will give you good advice! The church? A Christian co-worker? Someone who you can sincerely trust to help you achieve your new found goals and grow in your faith!
Don’t Give Up!
The Enemy (Satan) is very real! He does not want you to succeed and is very subtle in his scheme to block your destiny that God has available for you! We all have had our hearts played and broken by “him”, but God will never leave you nor forsake you! He will supply your every need from comfort to financial help! Trust and believe!
Not a round trip?
Don’t go back to the island of hopelessness when you could be in Hawaii! Unless God has done the changing in “him”, most likely it’s not a lasting one! Continue moving forward on the train of success with God and Jesus as your Lord and Savior!
Praise be to God and With God’s Love, Dee-Dee McDuffie 6/19/2011