To our daughter's.... My mother passed away when I was 9 1/2...I thank God for my spiritual mother...but I sincerely miss "My Mommy." ..... Don't take yours for granted, you never know when God may call her home.
I heard the words you said to your mother today
It hurts me to hear the things that you say
Why are you angry and why are you mad?….
It hurt me to see your mother so sad
Tears rolled from her face as she didn’t know what to do
Matter of fact, she’s not sure what’s wrong with you
You treat her with disrespect and dishonor her name
But you claim you love her just the same
Did you forget how much she does for you in the day?
Why do you hurt her in the things that you say?
Tears rolled from her face as she didn’t know what to do
Matter of fact, she’s doesn’t know what’s wrong with you
You slam the door as if you were right
But I am here to say, no more going back the same way
God’s Word is all too clear
Honor thy mother and father…do not dishonor… what part did you not hear?
It’s all for you to live your life long
No need to cut it short
So I love you enough to say - don’t go back the same way
What good will all that anger do?
Maybe today, try a different way
And love her just like she loves you!
Praise be to God and with God's Love,
Dee-Dee McDuffie
Scripture Meditations:
Galatians 6:7-8 (NIV)
Ephesians 6:1-3 (NIV)
Galatians 5: 22 (NIV)
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV)
Proverbs 15:20 (NIV)
Thank you for this poem, reminding us to treasure our Moms. This is needed!