Monday, October 1, 2012


     In my meditation time, I’ve found that for me, all my major decisions need to be rooted and grounded in prayer by the Word of God. I can recall (looking back) one major life decision I made that caused me more heartache than I would even like to mention.  I found myself in a position where my decision was based upon emotions not wisdom. It was based upon the opinions of others’, not godly counsel. It was based upon fear, not trust in God. It was based upon focused attention towards my inability to help myself, rather than God’s ability to help me. It was based upon the “quirky” similarities or the “moon aligning” just right, not based upon knowledge and understanding of the Truth. 
      I don’t regret the decision I made although it was one that altered the direction of my destiny path. I took the scenic route if I may say so myself.  But today, I’m thankful to God for allowing this decision to teach me how to properly seek Him in my decision-making process. I’m also grateful because He is God, He can redeem time lost by acceleration in manifestation when I submit to His good and perfect will. Now, before any final decision, I seek what His Word has to say on the matter, seek godly counsel and scan my past. Scan, not re-live it.   Scanning for the results of previous decisions similar to the current one.  I consider whom the decision may affect, I consider the cost and consequences of my decision. Besides, my decisions don’t affect just me; I don’t selfishly think it only matters what I want from any given situation. Most of all, I don't do anything based upon my feelings or my emotions; those things have cost me enough.  I put them on the shelf  and I wait to hear from God. I don’t move until He answers or I am at peace with the wisdom-based decision I have made.
In other words, I do my research…my homework…. then I take action towards my decision. 
     I know with all certainty, God knows what’s best for me. The Word says, “ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you…not harm you….to give you hope…future” (Jeremiah 29:11).   I want to follow God’s way not my own, even when it temporarily hurts or I don't understand fully His way of doing things.
     My Bishop teaches that restriction will bring conviction. So I restrict my flesh (wild imaginations, thoughts and emotions…for example) through fasting and prayer so conviction may come, not condemnation about what is about to take place. I spend time  specifically meditating upon the Word of God and putting away things of the world (secular television and music, etc.).  There are areas ahead of me that only God Himself can see. I don’t allow some things to enter into my ears during this time (worldly gossip and discontentment )  and especially not near my heart. I guard my heart with great vengeance.
     So here I am today, looking to make a major life decision. Lord, I thank You for teaching me how to make a decision with You. I thank You that when You answer, I will hear clearly the direction I am supposed to go. I’m not afraid to make a “left turn” because even if I thought I heard from You and turned left by mistake, thank You for proving to me You will get me back on the right path. I love You, my Lord and Savior and await Your answer. Yes, my life is in Your hands and I take my hands off my life. IJN Amen.
Be Blessed,
dlm/dll 10/0/2012
A note from Dee-Dee:
It's not always easy to follow God's way or fully understand His way of doing things.  Sometimes we want to put a question mark where God is putting a period.  Sometimes, we left before God could fix a given situation. Sometimes we have emotions so strong we miss what God really has for us and accept what doesn't belong in our lives.  I know for myself all of these things to be true in my own life.   I encourage you today to "take your hands off of your life" and allow God to lead the way...It is my sincere prayer that you make good God-fearing, wisdom-based, godly-counsel sought...made in peace decisions. But remember, even if you made a left turn, He can always bring you back!  Be blessed and receive all God has just for you! It's well worth it! Trust Him and see!
With the love of Christ,
Dee-Dee Lee


Friday, August 3, 2012


A huge thank you to all of my readers across the globe!!!! It is an honor and a privilege to be able to "share' and be "transparent" with you!!! I sincerely pray the blogs have touched your heart in such a manner that you see the Glory of the Lord!
Be Blessed, #tears thanks!!!
Dee-Dee McDuffie
Love the support!!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


      It’s been a long road in my walk with God; looking back at the paradigms of my existence needing His grace. I don’t wonder anymore how I arrived here because it’s obvious to me now. I choose not to wonder how You will keep me here, just please continue. Willing for more disciplines to be put into place.
     I’ve submitted, re-submitted and corrected. I’ve adjusted and walked away. I’ve cried and denied only to regain Your strength to try again. I’ve put away and put off, yet to (for a time) still remain in a trough.
     I’ve committed, subjected, resurrected like the daily sun. I’ve let go, put down, picked up, turned around to be no more. I’ve listened and heeded only for it to be repeated. I questioned and guessed with complete unrest.
     I’ve been tormented, hated, humiliated and berated. I’ve been cheated on, gossiped over, pushed out and ignored. I’ve been mistreated, deleted, blocked and caught rocks…throwing my own through someone’s heart. Laughed at, cheered on in sin...pointed at, snickered at with the depths of despair at my door. 
     I’ve seen death closely; experienced too much mostly, why yes, hurt beyond compare. I’ve lost, regained hoping never to be the same only to return once more. I've spewed, viewed in tainted waters and assumed too much like a hot air balloon.
I've refused to back down, yet still touched the ground, bounced back through another closed door.
      Today, as a Believer approached me at work: “Dolores, I wanted to share with you… (she) approached me today and told me how you witnessed to her. She explained how you stopped, took the time to talk with her about the situation and gave her the Word. She also expressed how she felt about it  (He continued to nod his head in a yes motion…). Wow. She received it well, I mean really received it well. Praise God.”
      Father, I thank You,  each seed given is given by only You. To seed, water or till, it's by Your doing.  You have refined me like silver to my core.  Sharpened me to be an effective witness to someone who looks just like I once did. No Dad, never in pride shall I stand but in complete humility. I’m in complete awe of Your magnificent power. More so, no judgment (the deciding of her fate) shall fall upon her from me; remembering every opportunity You could have done the same towards me. Every ounce and bit of change in which You completed (and continue to) in me was (is) well worth the fiery furnace called the Christian life. To look at her beautiful face; eyes with tears in them wondering will she receive this Word from You and will it touch her heart? As I hoped to do more? Dad - Wow! - You send a confirming word which you are not obligated to do!….Wow to that!! Thanks Lord, for what Jesus Christ did on the cross, but more so, allowing me to participate in Your great works. It is a certainly a privilege.
     Thank you for bringing me through the days of continuous fog and to being (in the) Focused On God. Let me never remain the same, even as I am today. In Jesus mighty name Amen and Amen; and Amen again. 

Be blessed
With God’s Love
Dee-Dee Lee

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Before “The buck stops here!” I’ve yelled many times. Why?
     I spent many years watching the lifestyles of the broke, busted and disgusted because it was my life. It wasn’t hard to realize that #bbd was me!
After      The first time that I yelled that statement was when my daughter was born. As an unwed, single mother, it was a lifestyle of standing in lines, only to be berated by the social worker whom had just put her Bible down from reading it on her lunch hour. She’d stare at you over those 1920 glasses as to say, “Do you really expect me to believe that cockamamie story that you just told me to get some assistance?” As I rolled my eyes to ignore the social worker from Hell, my attention would shift to see the girl roll up out of an Escalade with Gucci boots on to get twice as much assistance as I did. It was times like these and baby daddy drama that would cause the D-disgusted to be worn like my favorite shirt. Always mad and angry, I justified my anger towards the system and a little boy that I hoped would act like a man. It was a vicious cycle of drama. Yea, it’s true, my girlfriends had my back in my presence, but I had to remember to pull the knife out before I went off to sleep. Their advice was to spend more time in lines to teach “him” a lesson. It always started with, “If I was you- and ended with girl, I’m glad I’m not you.” The looks, the stares and the whispers of the other side of the baby’s family and the world caused my mouth to run a muck with four letter words. More so, “So what!”…“I don’t care!” were my favorite statements to hide the hurt and pain I drowned in.

     I found myself at a crossroads in my life, decision after decision plummeting me further into despair. Everyone telling me my life was going in the wrong direction, yet their lives too broke to point me in the right direction. I spent many, many years in this way but I was determined not to allow #bbd to be me.
     I found myself though, having the same paradigms, actions and reactions towards my life and my daughter that I watched my family for years go through. How did I end up like them? I was determined not to be another statistic - (‘cause my foul mouth spent many times talking ‘bout “those girls”) - but now I’m one! What happened? Where did I go wrong, how the heck can things get better down in this deep ditch called life?!
     After years of battling life, I was exhausted. I finally wanted to have more, have better and wanted better for my child. My childhood was not so cute; I was determined not to have those same traits, habits and paradigms of life poured into me transferred to my daughter. It would be years later, but the Love of God would touch my heart and give me revelation like never before into my situation. And He even gave me more revelation to get me out! After salvation, God would send pastors, teachers and a Bishop into my life and path who would teach me about generational curses. Curses of paradigms, actions and traits that my family, generation after generation, had struggled with and even more so used by Satan to keep us in bondage. But with the saving Grace and Mercy of God, “the buck stopped here!” How?
Practical Applications:
Accept the fact that there are bad habits, traits and paradigms in every family. No family is perfect. Take a look in that Bible, whew! Baby daddy drama, brothers’ killing each other; manipulative women- it’s nothing new! Now, on the other hand, there are families with good traits, good habits- so acceptance goes both ways. Accept salvation, Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, so that the Love of God can be poured into you and drain the sewage out! Accept and take full responsibility for yourself and what you deposit into yourself and the lives of others. Your life can’t get better until you get better with God. Accept #TheCleaner can do His job through your faith!
Identify what traits are those of a Believer. You also need to identify what traits, etc. you need to change. The to do’s and what not to do’s of life can be found in the Bible. I encourage you to read Proverbs for daily guidance. One of my traits sad to say was overspending. I appeared well off, but my bank account screamed, “Broke!” Drove a nice car, but only to park the car down the street to hide from the repo man. I identified that I needed to become a good steward over all that God gives unto me. It’s a process, so prayer and fasting and practice are good ways to break bad habits. #wakeupandsmellthecoffee and #seekGod
Become Unglued
Remember, change must take place. When we decide to walk with God, we have made the choice to allow Him to unglue us from the ways of the world. We can’t think, act or respond in the same manner as we use to. What we used to do in the club does not belong in the Kingdom! This is a process, so it takes time. It also doesn’t mean we are still “struggling” thirty years later with a foul mouth. As Believers, it’s easy to say, “I’m sorry Lord”, only in our hearts, not to really mean it. Or point the finger when we need to take a look in the mirror. Become unglued to the ways that you are used to and become all that God is calling you to be! #nokickingandscreaming just #obey
I Declare War!
Realize life is not a game and you only get one. Therefore, declare war on the Enemy - Satan and protect your family. Declare this day that “The buck stops here!” No more will you allow excessive fear, poverty, sexual immorality, slave mentality, etc to destroy your family generation after generation. Find scripture in the Word and speak it with boldness and confess it over your family every chance you get. Speak destiny into your children(s) lives, “Wealth and riches will be in your house!” “God has made you a peculiar person- you are different and set apart to be used by God!” “You are a child of the Most High God!” “I’m godly proud of you- good job!” #MouthwithPower Associate with like Believers, join women’s/men’s groups to help elevate you but alleviate problematic areas; and get an accountability partner- someone that can help keep you on the track to your destiny! Receive correction and get all that God has just for you!
(durable prosperity) - from teachings of Bishop B.A. Gibert, DWO Christian Center Church, Redford MI)

Scripture References NIV(1997): John 3:16: Isaiah 58; Proverbs ch: 2-6;12:1; 17:27-28 ; Ephesians 2,5,6; Romans 12; 1 Cor 6:9; Philippians 4; James 1(all); James 3:3-6; Psalm 112; Psalm 118
Be blessed,
With God’s Love,
Dee-Dee McDuffie
7/3/2012 dlm/dlm

Monday, June 18, 2012


     She could spew venom like a snake from her lips to poison your very existence. She could argue a pointless point for hours on end at the top of her lungs. She spoke with such a vile vocabulary that one would wonder did she know any other form of communication. She would become the topic of many, few would say good of her. The one who….she did….she called….she left….. She….
She was never on the happy end of the meter of happiness; it was so brief, blinking would make the happiness dissipate.
     Yes, many would dare to tell her of her downfalls and shortcomings, yet to no avail did she change. She pointed the blameful finger towards others and her environment. Many would come to her aid to fix her, yet the vocal blows of her shortcomings would cause her to react from the pain inside and distance them. 
Who was she? She was me.
     I was once told a statement from long ago in which I was reminded of earlier today. “Look in the mirror, everybody can’t be wrong… maybe it’s something wrong with you!”
     I took this statement and threw it in the trash, so to speak. The source in which it came from was an abusive man, so who really had the issues? Well, we both did.
     As I look back, I don’t wonder how I got here in the sea of deliverance. I’m here because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for me and God Himself used to deliver me. It’s that simple right? No.
     After salvation I was still “her”. It wasn’t like a magic wand was waived around and I magically became some super saint overnight. The process of shedding would just begin. A new me, but new to the refining processes of God.
     I faintly recall looking in the mirror one morning, full of tears, seeing myself for whom I had become. A…. a woman who….a mother who….. But when I wiped my tears and looked again, I could see something beyond me. I could see what my Father in Heaven seen in me before I entered this Earth. His magnificent work! Yet, I saw even more; the capability of my Father to change me into whom He wanted me to become. It was the mirror effect. The cause much greater than I could ever imagine.
     The mirror effect is one where we can look at ourselves in the mirror, not alone, but with the love of God to see all the negative, yet to also see all the power of God Himself to be able to change those negatives into positives. Yes, I admit, when we look at ourselves from God’s perspective we are not so cute, but because of His saving grace and mercy, we are now in right standing with Him regardless of our past. He has the ability to change the most foul sins and create a perfume of praise on our lips because of His glorious power!
     Over the years, I’ve learned to love correction from God because the Bible says that God loves those whom he corrects! So oh boy, he must love me! But in correction, we must accept correction, no longer make excuses and be accountable to that correction. It’s all good to say, “Girl, I need to learn to shut my mouth! Lawd knows I’m working on it”! But at some point and time deliverance must come! Can we honestly say that we have been struggling with foul language as a Christian for twenty-five years?
    We overcome, not succumb. Must we look to others around us, yet speak loudly to what they need to do, understand or get a revelation on and call it discernment, yet whisper to our own faults and shortcomings and have a scripture to back it up?
     Today, I was reminded of this statement as I had to look in the mirror once again. To remove myself from a situation that I hold close to my heart. For God to create in me a clean heart; to refine, refresh and renew a steadfast spirit within me. It wasn’t hard to make this decision, not at all, because I know my Father in Heaven will do as always and refine me to come out polished! Father I thank you that I am your magnificent work in progress! I pray today, as I submit to Your refining once again, as polished silver I will shine so bright before men that they may see my good works gloryifying my Father in Heaven! In Jesus mighty name!
It is my sincere prayer, that we as believers would learn to "love" the correction of our Father. No, our flesh won’t feel good about it; Satan will try and trick us out of it, but correction is always needed. Don’t come kicking and screaming- just come, the journey is more enjoyable.

Be Blessed,  
Dee-Dee (6/19 dlm)

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I look back over my life and think about the testimonies there in the depths. I compared my life to broken pottery, shattered into pieces as it hits the concrete floor. Some pieces of me disappeared into the crevices of the world never to be found again. I never knew how the pottery of my life would come back together and once upon a time I didn’t care. I didn’t view my life as broken. My life was just different than most, but the same as many.
     My life started from the formation of fornication. I was born into the sins my parents were in. I became the object of molestation from brothers’ whose lives resided in darkness. I grew as a child teased, abused and misunderstood. I tried to take my life, hopeless in my environment. I became a teen of anger, resentment and hurt turning these feelings outward to those around me. I grew into a woman who loved hard, yielding the strike of many hands to keep me in their perceived order. I became a woman who was broken. I went into marriage with luggage that was too heavy for us to carry together. He didn’t know how to unpack my past nor I his. The weight of the luggage brought the relationship to its close. The heat of life melted the glue that held us together.
     I’m not telling you this to bring tears to your eyes or for the sorrow that is given because underneath all of the dirt arose a new person. But how? Where did my brokenness stop and my wholeness begin that you now see? Not with self-help (tried, not true and failed; sorry big O and TR), not with some spiritual higher power that I connected with through astrology, palm-readers or the like. Not with “him” being my glue, not with just dealing with my issues or debts. Not through some great understanding of life. Barely through counseling, I was still broken.
     Did someone tell me I was broken? Maybe a time or two. The route I was on was a slippery slope; the bed I lied in had diseases. The depression was now obvious. Yet in my brokenness, I didn’t want to hear what others’ had to say regardless. My ears closed to their advice. I sat in my room shedding the tears of many years in darkness, still I remained broken.
     Yet, while in my brokenness, He helped me to remember Him. I knew of this One since my grandmother had spoken of Him. Was I ready to listen to whom He had now sent? A woman who knew I needed some help out of the darkness? I spent some time in His house, but who was He? Could He hurt me like those of my past? Yet He asked me to trust Him completely and I would be made whole. He said He knew where the lost pieces of my existence were, but He didn’t want to give those back to me. He wanted to give me a new hope, new dream and a new life which wasn’t new to Him. He had already had a plan for me, but somehow I got off course through misdirection. He made promises that I had never heard, but yet they brought comfort to me. He didn’t need to be my glue because I could be whole in Him.
     From the beginning, He didn’t promise that it would be easy. He promised He would be with me for an eternity. There was a life eternal waiting that would reap royal benefits beyond compare if I would hold on to the End. The road has a few weeds, thorns and rocks along the way, but because I would choose to follow Him, I would never be broken again, but now bent.
     I could withstand not doing what I used to do, or being who I used to be; I could be bent but not broken. No more shattered pieces, but I would bend under His mighty hand to shake loose those things that held me from a good life.
     Here I am before you once broken, now bent. You see it takes participation on our behalf when we decide to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Yes, we must work at living for Him through our jobs, children, marriages, ministries and so forth, but we will never be broken again with Him. We can be once broken but because of what Jesus has done on the cross and the power of God, we are now just bent. Bent because God requires some things of us; bent because we must participate without seeing the whole plan. Bent because forgiveness is a must and some hurt may still arise. Even when the being of Fire (Satan) would try and smother us, we can stand with God. Yet never to be broken again.
     The way to have a full life without brokenness is to be made whole by God. The way to find the seemingly perfect mate is to be put together by Him. The way to forgive the brothers’ and even the mothers’ is to bend under the mighty hand of the Most High God. Bending, but never broken.
     So here I stand, making the decision to share again. For me, it means to tell parts of my struggle, tear-drops and pain with all glory going to God. To tell you that I stopped doing ….is only half true. To tell you that I rose above….is only half the story. To tell you that I struggled with drugs and alcohol, yet in my car one morning asked GOD to take the taste out of my mouth is still a partial story. So yes, for you to really see the amazing power of God, I share. The existence that only rose from the depths of Hell, now riding on God’s glorious light because of what Jesus has done. To God be the glory! In Jesus’ mighty name!
     Father, I thank You that I will never forget that only You have caused the hurt to truly dissipate, not just shatter into the crevices of the world. I thank You for what the world calls rising above to some, I call deliverance from God. Unashamedly I’m grateful You don’t have to be glue because what others’ broke, You have made me whole. Father to say that I should not conform? I’m willing! To want to continue to live my own way and not be in the image and likeness of my Father shutters the very bones of my being. Never do I want to return there. I live for You through and through, once broken now bending underneath Your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Be blessed, Bend but don’t remain broken….
With the Love of Christ,
Dee-Dee McDuffie

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


     As a young adult, it had been far too many times in which my imagination had run wild like horses free in the mountainside only to get me into trouble. It always seemed to start completely innocent of course. I had come across people who made promises of a better life if I would just use my imagination, dream bigger and visualize. “Close your eyes and imagine in your minds eye…” they would say as if it should come naturally to me. It didn’t come naturally to me though, to imagine better days ahead, maybe because of the seared reality of my life that haunted my mind day and night. To close my eyes was to close them in horror. “Use your imagination, let it run wild!” teachers would encourage as if the world could become all I wanted it to be in reality through my own imagination. So here I wanted to come out of the depths of despair, trying to use my imagination to get me out.   Imagining myself on a beach only to realize I had never been to one at that time or even seen one was a bit disappointing. So now what? Search the TV? Read a book and imagine I was there?
      I began by spending time using my imagination in its simplest form, replacing those whom I saw on TV with myself. I became all they portrayed in a one hour episode. Nothing could stop the train once it left the station of my mind. Most times, my train began at the station of soap operas. My grandmother who watched soap operas all day allowed me to share in her television time to keep me quiet.  I became the Young and the Restless, imagining my fairytale wedding and marriage to the perfect man. Always in nice clothes…always happy. I spent some time in reality changing my last name to be the same as the cute boy in class.   I went on to be Wonder Woman and save the world of course while keeping my makeup perfect.
      As I grew into adulthood, my imagination, dreams and visualizations had not become my reality. I had imagined being in the perfect relationship only to be hurt by abusive men. I had imagined being in a big beautiful home only to read the eviction notice left by the sheriff. I imagined being rich only to succumb to a level of poverty. So what happened between my imagination and my reality? The lines between the two blurred. I would become sick to get attention as they did in the soaps or I would portray myself as confident only to reside in low self-esteem. I portrayed happiness only to be deeply saddened. This was my reality.
      I was recently reminded of my past blurred reality as I was speaking with an associate about our imagination and the reality of who God is. “Oh, I don’t believe God is like….and “No, I think he is…” would flow from her lips. We imagine Him a certain way and believe this is who He is, but where does our imagination of God start and where does it end?
     For me,  my imagination created God as someone who looked like Moses with a white robe and white beard, sitting upon a throne like Abraham Lincoln’s statue ready to execute me at the first wrong move.   He had a super deep voice that rumbled the entire nation. I was like a termite looking upon Him ready to be stomped by His foot of judgment!    I imagined Jesus as this poor lonely man that was beat down thousands of years ago because I currently don’t know how to act right. I imagined Him with the thorns and blood dripping half-naked and hanging on a cross for eternity. A view much tainted by television, opinions, corrupt pastors and the sort.
     But was this God’s reality? Was this view of God from my imagination correct? And did I need to play sick to get His attention?
     When God saved me and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, He began to shift my imagination of Him to understanding who He really is. He also shifted my created imagination of my life and gave me hope for reality in Him. My daydreaming became goal setting as His plan for me began to be revealed, first through His Word. He obviously doesn’t look like Moses, nor is He about to stomp the living daylights out of me! Through proper teaching and study of the Word, I began to understand that God is loving, holy and yes is our Judge, but we are not little termites! We are children of the Most High God!   A God who shows mercy, is patient, kind and gentle. One who will give me attention when I am sick and even when I’m not. One who will give me true confidence because I now know who I am in Christ. Comforting me in the tears of many years to knowing every single hair on my head. The Emperor and Creator of the universe is my Father, no need for me to be Wonder Woman. He has sent Jesus as a living sacrifice for me and yet He rose to victory. He’s not still hanging out on the cross. I mean really? I couldn’t give up my daughter for a trillion dollars let alone for the sins of an entire world. This is God’s reality! The Truth is His Word and His Word is who He is.
      Lord, continue to help me to never allow my imagination to override the truth of Your Word. Let not the wild horses, nor the train of my mind run amuck amongst the mountainside of Your glory. Your Word says that You gave your only Begotten Son that whosoever shall believe in Him shall have everlasting life. Your promises are a delight to my soul and I bring every imagination and thought into captivity and make it obedient to Christ.  I believe You will line my life up with Your Word- blessings, prosperity, favor, delight, peace, power because you have a plan for my life…can we go on Lord? Yes Father, I want Your light to shine so bright within me that one must put on sunglasses to be in the same room. I want others to see Christ so much in me, they ask - who is Dolores? When I come home to glory, I want to hear well done my good and faithful servant, now on with your perfect life.   But first, I want to ask Jesus how in the world did He feed 5,000 people on a two-fish budget and can I try walking on water please? I want to ask Daniel, how big were the lions? And Mary how did it feel to be the mother of the Savior? Lord, does my mansion have central heating and cooling or is the weather always perfect too? How did you get every snowflake to be different? How..... Now that’s an imagination! In Jesus name.

Be blessed,
Dee-Dee McDuffie

Scripture References: John 3:16; Deuteronomy 28; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, January 15, 2012


     I recently saw a post on Facebook by a young woman in which stated that FB friends shouldn’t take the place of real life relationships and she prayed that one would discern the difference this year. I wasn’t sure whom she was talking to, but my initial reaction was to overlook this statement because I felt it had nothing to do with me. This statement would replay over and over later in my mind. I would not be able to let this statement go for sometime into the evening so my next response was should I discern for myself had I established FB friends instead of real life  relationships. The answer? A resounding “yes.”
      I spent some time praying and seeking God about this particular area of my life. I asked God why didn’t I establish the two new friendships as He had directed last year? Why did I only have friends at work, which are really co-workers not friends otherwise I would spend time with them outside of work. Why didn’t I have any female friends outside of my best friend of over twenty-five years and my sister-in-law? What about the friends from previous states where I had lived? Just an email here and there doesn’t make it a friendship, besides we never see or even call one another.

      So here I am writing to you, the thing I love to do the most because I want to help - you’ve guessed it, women! I’ve received a revelation that in my desire to help women, I have neglected to establish friendships with women. I do spend time witnessing to others’ which I totally adore doing so. I want to honestly open my heart to women so they may see the glory of restoration available to them from the Most High God through Jesus Christ. So again, why don’t I have any friends? Let me add this drop of reality: I do not have any male friends either, but this is because I completely choose to do so. I don’t date, nor have friends that are “boys”. You should have caught that! For me, until God sends my man of valor into my life, I choose to have the companionship of men in the company of many- church. It’s a safety net for me as I live in obedience to the Word of God. Maybe chit-chat here and there at gatherings, etc, but nothing pass that- again by choice. When I am completely available to “court” and marry, I look forward to it!

      As I spent more time in meditation, two words came to me: The Women. As I received more revelation on these two words, I realized I’ve open my heart to complete strangers across the world, but not to those near me. Why? The women of my past hurt me severely and as I scanned my past, I realized I had forgiven these women, but put up a blockade towards developing new friendships with women.

      I became I little unsettled as I realized this is one of the major reasons I don’t regularly participate in our Women of Virtue ministry. It is directed by a true Proverbs 31 woman, yet I can’t get pass a ministry with just women? Sad, because it’s so much available to me within this ministry. Yet a picture of cackling hens seems to overwhelm me- yes, of course it’s a trick of the Enemy!

      So here I am. What do I do? First, allow God to truly heal me from the hurt and pain from The Women: the ones who died…the ones who slept with….the woman who stole….the woman who lied… the woman who denied….the fake one, the gossiper, the backstabber; the woman who spewed venom from her lips….the woman who accused…the woman who abused…the woman who assumed; the drug addict, the deceiver, the unbeliever. Second, allow the Holy Spirit to guide and show me the friendships that God wants me to establish and trust God to develop that relationship. Third, realize no one is perfect and I may get hurt again, but this time, God will be with me to mend or even defend.

      I am ready now Lord, I’m sorry that I have blocked those whom You have sent to partner, prepare, propel or even just love me. I repent in the name of Jesus as I recommit to establish new friendships this year.   I commit to participate in the women’s ministry because I know that I cannot go this road completely alone and I don’t want to- besides, You created a team, an army and even Jesus had help. I praise You that you created me as a woman to become a W.O.V. a woman who wins, a woman of empowerment! I am committed to being a good, Christian friend to others. I will seek out new friendships with great expectancy. I am ready to be able to share my heart with the women you send in my path and continue to minister to those whom You’ve assigned. I can still trust those who are trustworthy because I first put my trust in You and you will guide and protect me. I am thankful for your post- you know who you are- thankful that yes, I have discerned the difference.

Coffee anyone?

Praise be to God!
With the love of Christ,
Dee-Dee McDuffie
*I always apply scipture with anything that I write, but I didn't feel it was necessary, please know- you must first show yourself friendly if you want friends.  It's in the Bible- believe.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


2 Corinthians 12:9
New International Version (NIV)
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

     I was turning off my Blackberry one day and noticed a message appear on the screen in bold lettering: Turning off handheld…Press any key to abort. On occasion I have been in the middle of a phone conversation and hit the wrong button only for my phone to begin turning itself off. I immediately did what was commanded so that I didn’t get disconnected from my caller.
     I recently experienced a situation at work in which I had previously fallen victim to in my past. But this simple phrase which had appeared on my phone so many times before would bring a unique revelation into my situation and teach me a lesson that I will not forget.
     At work I usually spend my day with my headphones on meditating upon the Word, but this particular day I didn’t have them with me and yet I’m glad I didn’t. I wouldn’t have experienced this lesson now learned.
     It began with the sound of a man’s voice giving me his flattering tongue. His seemingly caring attitude towards me, his interest in my temple would bring him to simply make derogatory sounds with his voice. A hum from my past, one in which I was all too familiar with. The simple interrogating questions that lust stood behind. The revealing knowledge of himself in specific areas was shared in his hopes for things to go in an accelerated manner. The looks of undress through his eyes from my head to my toes. Yet the slippery slope of lust had caused me to fall in my past. But now, I’m a mature Christian and was aware of this trap, or was I?
      I listened to the first question, “Dolores, do you wear heels?” I slipped slightly into the beginning of his process of conquering his desired territory. “Yes, I wear them all the time, matter of fact…” Before I could finish he interrupted with his intrusive thought. “Yea, I love to see a woman in heels, I just think it is the sexiest thing ever.” I slipped once again as the girlish giggle would come from my lips, not noticing this was the flattery I once loved, yet was not of God. Again, the giggle and now smile would appear upon my face as he began to hook me. I tried to make my own way of escape and said, “I wear them to church.” He didn’t heed and was oblivious to my minuscule attempt to fend him off. He prepared to reel me in as the next question would roll from his tongue, “Are you going to the Christmas party? Uhmm, no. Why not? Uhmm, I don’t do bars.” The conversation continued as he had a rebuttal for every answer I gave. It seemed as if the questions became an attack like that of a lion. Moving in for the kill, persuading me down a road that I had been before beginning with lust and ending in disaster. More so it ended on the dead end street of hurt and despair with the smell of defeat upon my skin.
     The quiet still voice spoke, “Dolores this is not the kind of attention you want, that kind of persuasion does not come from the One who calls you.” “Oh, my God! What just happened to me? Really? Me? I’m a mature Christian! I know better! I know who I am!” Yet in still, the flattering tongue had lured me. But how?
“In the name of Jesus, Father, forgive me! I repent and ask for Your help right now!” I immediately shouted within the walls of my mind. I stood with a refreshed posture and new attitude ready to combat what was happening to me. “Daddy I vowed to You when You delivered me, I would live completely for You - help! In the name of Jesus!” Immediately a sense of peace took over me as I felt as if my armor of God began to come upon me once again like in the movie Transformers. The helmet, now protecting my mind; the breastplate now guarding my heart and my shield went up but the best part of my armor moved into place, MY SWORD! As I opened my mouth every scripture I had studied to guard myself against the wiles of the Enemy would cut and stop him dead in his tracks. “Well, the Word of God says avoid even having the appearance of evil (paraphrased)….”
The battle began! Every luring question was withstood with the Word of God! “I’m not backing down Satan! I know it’s you! This is a trap and in the name of Jesus I refuse to be a part!” I yelled within the walls of my mind once again.
     My co-worker stopped talking after this, yet he seemed bothered by his failed attempt but looking for a rematch.
     After some time, I thought about what I encountered. What happened and how did I slip? I knew the attention I had just slipped upon and once desired was not of God. This is no longer a part of who I am now. Where did it begin? I was reminded of the intrusive thoughts of the Enemy that had bombarded my mind days prior. ‘Aren’t you lonely? Don’t you want to go out? You don’t have a husband to help you…Don’t you miss the attention?’ And like a lion ready to devour, he followed up with a flattering tongue from a willing participant! So I stood in prayer with tears as I was reminded to “Press Any Key to Abort.” I should have stopped the intrusive thoughts days prior to this event with by pressing the key of the Word of God - ‘Cast down imaginations and …bringing into captivity every thought ’. Yet, I pondered upon these questions as if they had come from the Holy One. “Oh God, yes, it is my desire to be remarried and have a type of love that doesn’t come from a flattering tongue, but one in which the love of Christ is apparent, flowing from his lips.” I tried to act strong for myself but a sense of comfort came upon me as tears were now flowing like a river, struggling to get the simplest words out, “Thanks Dad for helping me.” Yet, no one knew that God had just won a battle for me and taught me a lesson at the same time.
     My lesson? No matter how far I have come in my walk with God, there will always be temptations the Enemy will try and throw in my face, even old ones! Just because I had been saved for years does not negate the fact the Enemy will try old stuff through a new door.
     God has given me (and every believer) the power to overcome the temptations that I have fallen victim to before, yet I didn’t press the keys available to me. I will always be grateful to God and His ability to rescue me every single time any temptation may arise by giving me a way of escape. And more so, I’m thankful His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I must never attempt to defeat temptation in my own way as a sign of maturity. I believe there are times when we have been walking with God for awhile; we assume we can go it alone. There are times with our spouse, family or friends that we may allow entrance behind the armor and into our hearts and that’s all good, but I’m sleeping in mines for now!
     I’m not one for repeating lessons learned, so I’m spending sometime alone with “My Dad”. I’ve also learned my testimony didn’t stop at salvation- it grows because of it. I’m spending some time going back to the basics of fasting, intensified study and focused prayer. I’ve realized these should always be an integrated part of my Christian life. I accept that I will never be able to win any battle without His help- it’s not mine to begin with. I look unto God daily, without apology, who is the One until He so chooses to bring His chosen for me, a man of valor into my life. I will be alert and guard against the wiles of the Enemy. In Jesus’ mighty name with the power that already resides in me, remembering I just need to press any of the keys of authority and power to abort temptations and sin. I will not get disconnected from my Caller.

With the Love of Christ,
Dee-Dee McDuffie
dlm/ 018
Scripture References

  Galatians 5; Eph 2: 3-5, 6: 10-18; 1 Th: 1-8; 1 Th 5:22; Matthew 16:19; 2 Corinthians 10:5;
2 Corinthians 12:9
2 Corinthians 12:9
New International Version (NIV)
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


     The following poem was birthed from a memory in my past.  A guy that I was dating asked me to have his baby. I guess that was the "I love you so much that I want this" line for that time- I believe today it still is.   During that time, I immediately thought - What?! Is he crazy?! Neither one of us even have a decent job- I'm not married! But I've learned most times, people will say anything to get what they lust after - sex.  This is not the  true love that the Bible gives us as a foundation of what love is.  And nothing will ever compare to the love of God that is available to us all.
     Well although it didn't happen with him, I did eventually have a child out of wedlock.  Although my daughter is a gift from God, the way I went about having her caused much grief in my life that could have been prevented.  I believe, no - I know if I would have waited, things would have been much better for all of us. 
     God wants to protect, provide, love and instruct us  yet we must participate.  My daughter is never a regret, but the insight, wisdom and provision that I could have received from God and the structure of a godly marriage would have been a true blessing.  Moreso, knowing that I raised my child in a godly home would have brought much peace and insight into my parenting skills.  Now, it's not easy to speak to her about things that I did myself, but wanting her to wait for marriage I stand on the Word of God and recieve His forgiveness and grace,  regardless of the condemnation I felt at the beginning of my salvation.   I speak to her with authority and boldness, pray and believe knowing God will oversee her entire life.  I praise God there is no condemnation in Jesus Christ and God Himself gives us the power through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to live for Him.  God is worth it and so are you!  Be blessed!

To have his baby
Why should this be?
I think to myself-  who’s looking out for me?
So I say, I don’t think so…..
Yet you keep asking, so I say maybe so
Yet I think to myself
 I need love so why can't it be?
 I need love from somewhere just for me...

To have his baby
Why should this be?
Do you not know who’s now looking out for me?
I've come to know and I dare to share
My body belongs to the Most High
So your tempting offer I must deny
So again I say I don’t think so….
Yet you keep asking, do you not know?

To have his baby
Why should this be?
I know for myself who’s looking out for me
I once was lost
But now I have found
A gift from the Lord is a baby making sounds
But even in this
I still must deny
Because my body belongs to the Most High
To have his baby
Why should this be?
Do you not know my God will supply for me?!

A Man of Valor whom I am to marry
I wait for him because I carry
All the glow that you see
It’s My God, My Savior and He’s looking out for me!
So no more asking, I’ve closed my ears to you
They are the doorway to my heart
And it’s reserved for another
No, not even based upon the words of my own mother!
I guard my heart with vengeance
Why can’t you see?
You refuse to know who’s looking out for me

Oh! My daughter, hear Me now
Since you have committed to My ways
I’m so proud now
I send him quickly as he is from Me
Yes, The Father is looking out for thee!

Yes, My daughter, I recognized when you called
You’ve guarded my gift to him, a true love above all
A man of valor shall be given unto you
A love beyond measure through and through

As you two now become one,
I command be fruitful and multiply
A desire that your heart cannot possibly deny
One, two, three your children shall come
Into your bosom as you and your husband are one
Yes, My daughter now everyone can see
It is Your Father looking out for thee!

Be Blessed with God's exponential love,
Dee-Dee McDuffie
See Proverbs 31, Galatians 5:22,  1 Corthians 6: 12-20, Romans 8: 5-10 {NIV}
*a special thanks to R.F.L - a true man of valor! Blessed!