In my meditation time, I’ve found that for me, all my major decisions need to be rooted and grounded in prayer by the Word of God. I can recall (looking back) one major life decision I made that caused me more heartache than I would even like to mention. I found myself in a position where my decision was based upon emotions not wisdom. It was based upon the opinions of others’, not godly counsel. It was based upon fear, not trust in God. It was based upon focused attention towards my inability to help myself, rather than God’s ability to help me. It was based upon the “quirky” similarities or the “moon aligning” just right, not based upon knowledge and understanding of the Truth.
I don’t regret the decision I made although it was one that altered the direction of my destiny path. I took the scenic route if I may say so myself. But today, I’m thankful to God for allowing this decision to teach me how to properly seek Him in my decision-making process. I’m also grateful because He is God, He can redeem time lost by acceleration in manifestation when I submit to His good and perfect will. Now, before any final decision, I seek what His Word has to say on the matter, seek godly counsel and scan my past. Scan, not re-live it. Scanning for the results of previous decisions similar to the current one. I consider whom the decision may affect, I consider the cost and consequences of my decision. Besides, my decisions don’t affect just me; I don’t selfishly think it only matters what I want from any given situation. Most of all, I don't do anything based upon my feelings or my emotions; those things have cost me enough. I put them on the shelf and I wait to hear from God. I don’t move until He answers or I am at peace with the wisdom-based decision I have made.
In other words, I do my research…my homework…. then I take action towards my decision. I know with all certainty, God knows what’s best for me. The Word says, “ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you…not harm you….to give you hope…future” (Jeremiah 29:11). I want to follow God’s way not my own, even when it temporarily hurts or I don't understand fully His way of doing things.
My Bishop teaches that restriction will bring conviction. So I restrict my flesh (wild imaginations, thoughts and emotions…for example) through fasting and prayer so conviction may come, not condemnation about what is about to take place. I spend time specifically meditating upon the Word of God and putting away things of the world (secular television and music, etc.). There are areas ahead of me that only God Himself can see. I don’t allow some things to enter into my ears during this time (worldly gossip and discontentment ) and especially not near my heart. I guard my heart with great vengeance.
So here I am today, looking to make a major life decision. Lord, I thank You for teaching me how to make a decision with You. I thank You that when You answer, I will hear clearly the direction I am supposed to go. I’m not afraid to make a “left turn” because even if I thought I heard from You and turned left by mistake, thank You for proving to me You will get me back on the right path. I love You, my Lord and Savior and await Your answer. Yes, my life is in Your hands and I take my hands off my life. IJN Amen.
Be Blessed,
dlm/dll 10/0/2012
A note from Dee-Dee:
It's not always easy to follow God's way or fully understand His way of doing things. Sometimes we want to put a question mark where God is putting a period. Sometimes, we left before God could fix a given situation. Sometimes we have emotions so strong we miss what God really has for us and accept what doesn't belong in our lives. I know for myself all of these things to be true in my own life. I encourage you today to "take your hands off of your life" and allow God to lead the way...It is my sincere prayer that you make good God-fearing, wisdom-based, godly-counsel sought...made in peace decisions. But remember, even if you made a left turn, He can always bring you back! Be blessed and receive all God has just for you! It's well worth it! Trust Him and see!
With the love of Christ,
Dee-Dee Lee