She could spew venom like a snake from her lips to poison your very existence. She could argue a pointless point for hours on end at the top of her lungs. She spoke with such a vile vocabulary that one would wonder did she know any other form of communication. She would become the topic of many, few would say good of her. The one who….she did….she called….she left….. She….
She was never on the happy end of the meter of happiness; it was so brief, blinking would make the happiness dissipate.
Yes, many would dare to tell her of her downfalls and shortcomings, yet to no avail did she change. She pointed the blameful finger towards others and her environment. Many would come to her aid to fix her, yet the vocal blows of her shortcomings would cause her to react from the pain inside and distance them.
Who was she? She was me.
I was once told a statement from long ago in which I was reminded of earlier today. “Look in the mirror, everybody can’t be wrong… maybe it’s something wrong with you!”
I took this statement and threw it in the trash, so to speak. The source in which it came from was an abusive man, so who really had the issues? Well, we both did.
As I look back, I don’t wonder how I got here in the sea of deliverance. I’m here because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross for me and God Himself used to deliver me. It’s that simple right? No.
After salvation I was still “her”. It wasn’t like a magic wand was waived around and I magically became some super saint overnight. The process of shedding would just begin. A new me, but new to the refining processes of God.
I faintly recall looking in the mirror one morning, full of tears, seeing myself for whom I had become. A…. a woman who….a mother who….. But when I wiped my tears and looked again, I could see something beyond me. I could see what my Father in Heaven seen in me before I entered this Earth. His magnificent work! Yet, I saw even more; the capability of my Father to change me into whom He wanted me to become. It was the mirror effect. The cause much greater than I could ever imagine.
The mirror effect is one where we can look at ourselves in the mirror, not alone, but with the love of God to see all the negative, yet to also see all the power of God Himself to be able to change those negatives into positives. Yes, I admit, when we look at ourselves from God’s perspective we are not so cute, but because of His saving grace and mercy, we are now in right standing with Him regardless of our past. He has the ability to change the most foul sins and create a perfume of praise on our lips because of His glorious power!
Over the years, I’ve learned to love correction from God because the Bible says that God loves those whom he corrects! So oh boy, he must love me! But in correction, we must accept correction, no longer make excuses and be accountable to that correction. It’s all good to say, “Girl, I need to learn to shut my mouth! Lawd knows I’m working on it”! But at some point and time deliverance must come! Can we honestly say that we have been struggling with foul language as a Christian for twenty-five years?
We overcome, not succumb. Must we look to others around us, yet speak loudly to what they need to do, understand or get a revelation on and call it discernment, yet whisper to our own faults and shortcomings and have a scripture to back it up?
Today, I was reminded of this statement as I had to look in the mirror once again. To remove myself from a situation that I hold close to my heart. For God to create in me a clean heart; to refine, refresh and renew a steadfast spirit within me. It wasn’t hard to make this decision, not at all, because I know my Father in Heaven will do as always and refine me to come out polished! Father I thank you that I am your magnificent work in progress! I pray today, as I submit to Your refining once again, as polished silver I will shine so bright before men that they may see my good works gloryifying my Father in Heaven! In Jesus mighty name!
It is my sincere prayer, that we as believers would learn to "love" the correction of our Father. No, our flesh won’t feel good about it; Satan will try and trick us out of it, but correction is always needed. Don’t come kicking and screaming- just come, the journey is more enjoyable.
Be Blessed,
Dee-Dee (6/19 dlm)
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